Welcome to the Colorado State University Human MRI Research site, proudly housed within the Translational Medicine Institute. Our research spans a wide array of topics, from basic cognitive neuroscience experiments exploring the intricacies of categorization, rule learning, and déjà vu, to clinical investigations into age-related neurodegeneration. We utilize both functional and structural MRI techniques to deepen our understanding of the brain’s complex workings, contributing to the advancement of both theoretical knowledge and practical clinical applications.

Principle Investigators

Michael Thomas

Current research seeks to better understand cognitive and motivational impairments in neuropsychiatric populations and aging.

Carol Seger

Our core research examines how interactions between basal ganglia and cortex in corticostriatal “loops” contribute to category learning.

Emily Merz

We investigate stress as a mechanism through which socioeconomic disadvantage may impact the developing brain and in turn children’s emotional and cognitive outcomes.


2350 Gillette Dr, Fort Collins, CO 80523